The Italian island of Capri is located in the Gulf of Naples in the Tyrrhenian Sea. With its mild climate and incredible beauty, it has long attracted vacationers. The ancient Roman emperor Augustus loved to rest here. His successor Tiberius, who built his baths and more than a dozen villas here, did not stand aside either. The most famous of them, Villa Jupiter, has survived throughout the centuries. Today, this piece of paradise is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, delicious cuisine and world-class shopping. This is a place worth seeing, as it is not for nothing that many celebrities anchor their yachts in Marina Grande!
And in the 21st century, the island of Capri still attracts holidaymakers. People from all over the world come here to escape from busy life and enjoy peace. There are only two small towns on the island – Capri and Anacapri, which are connected by an ancient Phoenician staircase with 921 steps. The steps were carved into the rock in the 7th-6th centuries BC and served until 1874. The destroyed staircase was restored in 1998.

Ancient architecture has been preserved in both cities. In the historic center of Anacapri, there is the Church of San Michele, dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel. It was built in the 17th-18th centuries and was part of the Teresian monastery.

In the city of Capri there is a monastery of San Giacomo, erected in the years 1363-1371. In the 16th century, it was plundered and partially destroyed by the bandits of the pirate Dragut. The monastery, restored by local residents, exists in our time and is always open to visitors. Open-air concerts are held in the courtyard of the monastery. There is also a museum of the German artist Diefenbach.

Capri has many natural attractions. The visiting card of the island coastal and oceanic rock formation called Faraglioni. The closest and highest of them is connected to the island.

Cliffs, grottoes, reefs and cozy pebble beaches are located along the entire coastline of the island. The emblem Capri is the Blue Grotto. It got its name due to the stunning azure color of the water, which is illuminated by the sunrays penetrating through a small entrance to the grotto.

From Anacapri, using a cable car, you can climb Mount Monte Solaro, which 589 meters high, and enjoy a stunning view of Naples.

Another iconic place on the island is Via Krupp. This paved road, built in the early 1900s, connects the monastery of San Giacomo and the Gardens of Augustus to the port. Perfectly carved on a sheer cliff, this masterpiece is one of the most beautiful roads in the world.